

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-09 9:37 p.m.


this is an update just to update...i have nothing better to do...once again i find myself at the union...watching local bands...this one was called the bathroom ninjas...sadly, though, i don't particularly appreciate their punk-rock sounds...so i came here to give my ears a break...now...what to say...what to say...

ah yes...let's just talk about what i always talk about...i know...even i am getting sick of it...but...sadly...i still have more to say...and fuck you anyway...this is my diary...well...the other day my bad habit (yes...i do like this nickname...and yes, i do think i'm clever) said she was going to visit me...my initial reaction...'not bloody likely'...but i questioned her and she restated her committment to visit me here...at purdue...just to get away from kokomo i presume...but then why wouldn't she visit ball state?...devious little devil, isn't she?...always playing games with my head...and then acting innocent of the crimes she's done...damn my overproductive imagination!...look at me...i'm falling apart...i'm even using some forms of punctuation!!!!....oh no!!!!

well...i guess that about covers my state of mind...i'm still not liking college...but i guess its better than having a real job...no it isn't...i would be getting paid...

relax, everthing won't be ok.

" Ah, everyone's confused so I stay in my room.

If I go, I don't want to go alone."

