

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-08 8:19 p.m.

bullet in the head

"A bullet in ya head (8 times, building to a shout)

A bullet in ya head (7 times, shouted/screamed)

Ya gotta bullet in ya fuckin' head!


Yeah! (Sustained to end of drum roll)"

it seems that i could shoot myself in the head and be having a better time than i am now...my only joys are college bands and videogames...all of which help me escape the realm of tedium i am a peasant in...self loathing passes the time well...

lets see...today i woke up...went to engineering lecture...that was a waste of time...went to autocad crap...another waste of time...speech class...i heard a speech about the legalization of hemp...then some other crap...lunch was good...chicken strips...then chem...wasted time...then calc...i didn't do homework...took a junky quiz...came back...smash bros....the highlight of my day has been playing smash bros. with travis...that is terrible...

i had a song to post...but i left my planner in my room...stupid me...i was trying to call a friend in the area with red mud to check on another friend also located at the same southern cross...i got the machine and left a stupid message...

my reality is so much better than this one...you should see it.

