

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-07 8:21 p.m.

the misanthrope

once again, i would like to remind my audience that i don't like society as a whole...people in large groups just seem to breed stupidity...my days are getting monotonous...i stayed up last night just to stay up...just for something different...i don't like to do homework, so i don't do it...


_splint for the spirit_

broken hearts

coupled with broken minds

the story it seems

of these troubled times

fear no reaper

fear no hell

not even the enemy

from heaven fell

fear yourself

what you might do

that way you won't

that's the truth


i wrote that in calculus today...now i just need to put up the rest of the bazillion other things i wrote...and some are even good!...not really...i just don't wanna forget how stupid i was when i was young...i hope i don't forget...i hate autocad...never, ever do it...ever...unless you like that sort of thing...but you don't...because you are me...

