

i am mine

riot act

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2001-11-02 12:46 p.m.


"I can't get any lower

Still I feel I'm sinking"

i just read some updated journals...i suck...i'm stupid...this is what i have learned from my recent readings...i won't go into detail...just browse around my favorite diaryland users and you'll see...you'll see...or you should see...it's small...you probably won't see...or you won't know what set me off...i'm not mad...just dissappointed in myself...for thinking...yeah...thinking...onecrazymojo has the right idea...one should accept yourself...for who you are...you are who...who you are...very good...very good...

chris cornell hit the nail right on the head...i'm feeling outshined...

well...i have to go to class...not like it matters anymore...not anymore...

"So now you know, who gets mystified"

