

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-30 10:23 p.m.


i'm going to sleep...even though i think i've had enough today...but i find that there is nothing better to do...i'm sure there is if i would look hard enough...but i'm too lazy even to look...i'd rather dream of things that would never happen...but i like to dream...people visit me in dreams that i never see anymore...

i think i have a sickness...well...multiple sicknesses...but the one i'm focusing on is my apathy for utterly everything...i really don't care anymore...and a lot of people say that...but i actually mean it...i don't care...i want to...i really do...but i don't...not even a little...but i still find myself doing things that seem like i care...such as homework...i do it...but i don't care about it...i just do it...out of habit, i think...i do a lot of things out of habit...

"Another habit says it's in love with you.

Another habit says it's long overdue.

Another habit like an unwanted friend."

