

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-28 1:00 a.m.

sleep now in the fire

"The lie is my expense

The scope of my desire"

i lied to myself...yet again...in a previous entry i tried to fool myself into quiting...the only problem is, you can't fool yourself...at least not all the time...this was one of those times...

i went to spidey-boy's college today...it was an eight hour round trip...worth every bit...its good to see old friends again...

it's early...or late...depending how you look at it...i should sleep...but can't...i found myself day-dreaming...only it was nighttime...so i guess i was night-dreaming during the car ride back...i can't stop...

"Its caged and frozen still

There is no other pill to take

So swallow the one

That made you ill"

i'm trying...i really am...

