

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-24 3:36 p.m.

black hole sun

"Times are gone for honest men"

truer words have never been spoken...it seems that no one can tell the truth these days...not even me...no matter how hard i try...i find myself lying...especially to myself...interesting...

the sky is black here...it goes especially well with my mood...thunder and lightning...very nice, indeed...i have an exam later on tonight...its the second one in as many nights...i don't need this...any of it...i would be content to just be...there i go again...lying to myself...i think i do need this...i mean...what else would i do?...nothing...i would 'just be'...and complain about it...probably even more than i do now...

i don't like to work...i'm lazy...i'm pretty sure that is a sin...oh well...we are all sinners i suppose...in one way or another...i don't know why but i smirked at that statement...i found it amusing...

now there are gray skies...does that mean my mood is lightening?...interesting...

