

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-21 10:43 p.m.

the people that we love

"How's it feel she's coming up roses How's it feel she's coming up sweet How's it feel when it's all in spite of you How's it feel when she's out of your reach"

ok...here it is...

AngelAoryn: well, you're the only one that matters...so...yeah.

AngelAoryn: you're my standard

what the fuck does that mean? (sorry for the obcenity, but...for real)...to me that means, 'hey...you are what i look for in the opposite sex'...but of course it is out of context and she followed it up by saying i'm the person she goes to to see how real college is going, since she stayed in the hometown and is going to a small school and is living at home...the point i am trying to make is that you do not say that sort of thing to me and then not expect me to think what i thought...it's just mean...there i go again...imagining things that aren't there...that's what i get for being me...nothing...

complain complain...its all that i do...and what is really pissing me off right now is that i can't find a song to fit what i'm feeling right now (found one later)...i guess i might have to make one up...

