

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-11 5:15 p.m.

jars of clay

"rain rain on my face,

rain rain its been raining for days"

its raining a lot over here...a lot...and i like it...i like the rain...i don't know quite why, but i do...i even walked to classes today, just so i could spend a bit more time in the rain...i know...freaky...

i also had some krispie kreme dognuts today...i really don't know why they are spelled dognuts...cause they really aren't...dognuts are good...

why don't people ever behave when no one is looking?...just a simple question that popped into my mind...

i really like doing nothing...it is very fulfilling...you should do it more often...but then, the downside is people start to call you a slacker...even though you are just "enjoying life" (as i like to put it)...

its a shame...it really is...

