

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-10 2:36 p.m.

"fuckin' up"

i save all the emails...i don't know why...i suppose i think of them as love letters, even though i know that is not the case...

i feel i could be great...if only i had the motivation...i can do some pretty cool stuff when i put my mind to it...for those of you who know me and are thinkin "when?"...well...i don't have a specific example...oh well...i guess i can't be great...

according to a test i took, i shouldn't be an engineer...ok....i think i already knew that...but that doesn't change anything...i will still be an engineer...probably a civil one...just because i'm not civil...just to be ironic...

i gave a speech on dungeons and dragons today...just because it is an odd topic...and no one else would do it...i choked and stuttered and acted stupid...so, all in all it went pretty normal...

"Lonely drifter on the hill. Why do I?

One must have a heart of steel. Why do I?

It's not how you look but how you feel. Why do I?

You must have a heart of steel. Why do I?

Why do I keep fucking up?"

