

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-08 10:20 p.m.

all those yesterdays

i talked to her online today...it was quite a lengthy conversation...but, as always, i had to go and mess it up...i didn't give a straight answer to any question...and she knew it...i probably should have...

the crazy one questioned me yesterday about my take on religion...i'm gonna quote a priest, father brian, or at least paraphrase (he was cool...he seemed like he knew where i was coming from...he seemed a lot like me)..."religion was made by the devil. faith was made by God"...or something to that effect...because religions divide people and cause war and stuff...so...there you go...

i'm thinkin i should have taken a chance and went over there...she wasn't busy...at least not then...but what if she rejected me?...again...

stream of concious writing is fun...but not the best if you want to remain secretive...guess i should erase this...but that would take all the fun out of it...wouldn't it?

