

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-07 11:08 a.m.


it seems that stream of life continues flow even though i try to dam it (i know, that is on par with one of randy's[spidey-boy] analogies)...i don't know where i'm goin'...no plans for the future...i just keep lookin' back...apparently, that's not how you are supposed to spend your life...because the people you are lookin' back to are moving forward...leaving you behind...i write these journals talking to myself...that's why i use the 2nd person sometimes...just thought i should inform my audience of this fact...

i hate my present course...i really don't want to be an engineer...on friday we did a chem lab where it was just repeating the same crappy experiment over and over...like 50 times or so...and my lab partner said something i shan't forget easily..."imagine doing this everyday as your job"...i laughed and said i would never do such a thing...but i fear that i will...and all because i'm "good" at math and science...but i don't think i'm that good...

do you ever imagine that your life is just one big tv show?...and that people are out there watching it...and laughing at your mistakes...i think that sometimes...and i chuckle to myself...i don't know...i think i might be going insane...for real...maybe everyone does...

"Drifting, drifting, drifting, uh huh.

I feel like going back there, but never for long.

I sometimes wonder if they know that I'm gone.

I'm just drifting, drifting along.

Drifting, drifting along. Drifting, drifting along."

well said, eddie...well said.

