

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-02 8:49 p.m.


"oh, i, oh, i'm still alive"

nothin exciting...i'm still alive...played some final fantasy IX...washed my dirty dishes....kinda...got our heat turned off...yeah...it was stuck in the on position cause we had a broken thingy...i did calculus...i am having an engineering exam tomorrow...i didn't study a lick today...probably should have...oh well...i'm thinkin i won't study till i see what my grades are for this semester...if i get yelled at, then i will study...damn me and my lack of motivation...i'm tellin you(me)...if i had some motivation...i'd take over the freakin world...i still might...just because i'm bored...i hate being bored...

why doesn't anyone write me back?...by anyone i mean the females of the species...at least the ones i write...it seems they never write back unless i send about 23875942 e-mails...ok...maybe not quite that many, but you get my point...i just like to read e-mails...especially if they are addressed to me...especially if it's by a girl...especially if it's by a girl that i like...

i'm so immature...just read the above paragraph...it's terrible...i'm ashamed...not really...i'm too immature to be ashamed...i wish i could just grow up right quick...get a job and a home...so i can be my-hermit-self...but we are going to scotland...if i have to sell everything i own to get there...we are going...by we i mean the b-squad (i'm not too fond of the name either, but i couldn't come up with a better one at the time)...by then i hope at least one of us will have a female companion of some sort...and no, family does not count...

i wonder if anyone reads this?...does anyone read this?...i don't know...maybe i would put some effort into it if i knew somebody besides me and my crew read this...nah...nevermind...i wouldn't...

