

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-27 6:12 p.m.


i walked over to the computer lab today...it isn't a far walk, but enough to be out of the way a bit...as i was walking, i started to think...i looked at everyone i passed and thought the same thing...are they thinking what i'm thinking?...me, of course, not actually thinking anything at that particular moment, but still thinking...

staind is on unplugged at 8pm...i don't think i'll make it...i have to type a lab report with my group...i kinda like the group...kinda don't...its only 3 people including myself...

in speech class today, we had to list 3 speeches out of the 30 or so, that made an impact and were memorable...i chose my 3 fairly easily and looked at my nieghbor's paper just to spy what he put down...i was suprised to see that he listed my speech as #1...it made me think a bit...but i still hate speeches...

i spend most of my time alone now...i used to hang out with people a lot back in kokomo...i would always be the one who would organize a group meeting for movie night or videogame night or whatever...but now i don't even try to spend time with any other human, besides me, myself, and i...i hang out with those guys quite a bit...

i watched the movie about the doors on vh1...good stuff...i think i'm gonna pick up their greatest hits album...they have some good music...

"All the times

That I've cried

All this wasted

It's all inside

And I feel

All this pain

Stuffed it down

It's back again

And I lie

Here in bed

All alone

I can't mend

But I feel

Tomorrow wil be OK"

