

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-26 2:41 p.m.

satan's bed

that sucks major poo.

i just spent 20 min writing and then erased everything by accident...oh well...no one needed to read it anyway...i remember why i didn't keep a diary before...i don't need to write things down...i figure if you can't remember it, it isn't worth remembering...but i still had some good stuff down...and i forget a lot...even stuff worth remembering...like birthdays and whatnot (randy's word...i think)...

i had a speech today...i hate speeches...and mine was 30 sec. longer than the max time...that sucks...i lose points...terrible

nothing exciting going on now...i'm thinkin i'm gonna skip my cgt lecture...what do you say?....yeah i know...i'm goin....i'm goin...

"Who made, who made up, made up the myth

That we were born to be covered in bliss?

Who set the standard, born to be rich?

Such fine examples, skinny little bitch

Model, role model, roll some models in blood

Get some flesh to stick, so they look like us

I shit and I stink, I'm real, join the club

I'd stop and talk, but I'm already in love"

