

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-24 1:10 a.m.

the lemon song

ok...that's it...i'm gonna kill travis and seth...they barge into my room...use my ps2....and my tv...and watch a freakin movie at 1am in the morning...i have fuckin class tomorrow! (excuse my french)...i can't stand their inconsiderate ways any longer...and do you know how i plan to get back at these fools?...yeah...that's right...i'm gonna stoop to their level and be inconsiderate right back to them...and do you know how?...oh yes...it is so devious...i'm gonna kill them...no...not in "real" life...but in their precious d&d game they care so much about...they always want to play (bastards), but they always insult my DMing (bastards two-times over)...yeah...i'm pissed...you don't mess with me and my sleep...i don't require a big amount, but i need it...i operate on a schedule...it CANNOT be messed up...and it was...maybe it is not a total loss...i can e-mail some people i have been meaning to e-mail...rock on...

