

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-22 11:32 a.m.


yesterday was a good day.

after my last class, i packed up my things...which i really didn't need...and headed off to a tiny dorm room to wait for my ride back home...but before this i recieved a phone call from a girl friend...one of the few that i have...notice i did not say girlfriend...it was a girl friend...anyway...we chatted for a bit before i had to go...anyway...the ride home was pleasant enough...i talked with my friend (who was giving me a ride) about some stuff...then i got home...called my other friend who is still a senior in high school...but he wasn't home...already gone to the game (we planned on going to the homecoming game together)...so then i called the great Randu and he wan't home yet...so i waited...and then Randy got home...i picked him up...we went to the game...talked...got refamiliarized with each other...and then saw some people we hadn't seen in a long time...the first was one of our fellow soccer players who had gone on to kettering university in michigan...we also saw a few former-band nerds...i said hey (more or less)...and then we saw somebody i wasn't prepared to see...but i should have known that person was gonna be there (considering the circumstances)...and to my suprise this person actually stopped and talked to me...and actually tried to fix the string to my hooded sweatshirt...it was very uncomfortable...but not...i can safely say it was quite odd...i'm not used to physical contact...of any kind...Randy said it best when he quipped, "so are you his mom now?"...after this odd incidence, we stopped some other people who didn't recognize us and we had to explain who we were before they remembered...it is amazing how many people don't remember who we are...oh well...we then went and rented "no mercy" for the N64 and went to tyler's (who was the other friend mentioned above) house...oh yeah...and he had a quasi-girlfriend with him...but it wasn't as weird as it could have been...anyway...we played for awhile and then randy had to go home...it was a great night...just because it reminded me of the old times...when i just used to have fun...yeah...i'm not having much fun at college...i guess it's part of the growing up process...i hope not...i don't want to grow up...



Bright light almost blinding, black night still there shining,

I can't stop, keep on climbing, looking for what I knew.

Had a friend, she once told me, "You got love, you ain't lonely,"

Now she's gone and left me only looking for what I knew.

Mmm, I'm telling you now, The greatest thing you ever can do now,

Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now, It's very easy just...

Met a man on the roadside crying, without a friend, there's no denying,

You're incomplete, they'll be no finding looking for what you knew.

So anytime somebody needs you, don't let them down, although it grieves you,

Some day you'll need someone like they do, looking for what you knew.

Mmm, I'm telling you now, The greatest thing you ever can do now,

Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now, It's very easy just...

