

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-20 7:24 p.m.


"fuck you i won't do what you tell me!"

yeah...a "friend" was online today...she told me to "fuck off"...and "leave me alone"...what the heck?...i went back up the chat window to see what i had done...nothing out of the ordinary...so i asked her why...she said that she didn't like my comments and some "other things"...what the heck a second time...i don't even talk to her much...i just say "hey"...and occasionally..."hows it goin"...nothing more...i don't get it...like i said in my intro to this whole shebang...i don't like people...i would like to believe that i act rationally and give reasons for all my actions...well...maybe not...but i still don't like people...

