

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-18 11:03 a.m.

don't it make you smile...

i've been reading a lot of other people's diary thingys and my conclusion is that we all are doin the same thing...writing the same thing...feeling the same thing...i guess that is comforting...to know other people feel like you do...but to me it is also a bit unsettling...that i'm not different...even though i always pictured myself to be so...interesting...

yup...just waiting for my laundry to dry...it's the best thing i've done all day...i probably should be doing homework...but i well need something to do later...so i'll just procrastinate like always...and not just on homework...but everything...

i hate speech class...i hate speeches...i hate all forms of public speaking...but i want to be in front of an audience (the whole rock god gig)...that is a terrible dichotamy...

"don't it make you smile,

when the sun don't shine,

it don' shine at all,

don't it make you smile,

i miss you already,

i'll miss you always"

pearl jam rules.

