

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-17 3:42 p.m.

burden in my hand

"pizza dude's got 30 seconds..."

i left my CGT class after 6 minutes and no teacher...is that wrong?

now on to bigger and better things...or at least on to other things...

hopelessness gets you nowhere...you have to believe in yourself before other people do...they don't wanna hang aound a mopey guy...especially if he is down all the time...so i gotta find a way to get happy...or at least not hopeless...i think the answer for me would be to start a band...yeah, yeah...i know..."but you suck"...who cares...i need to do something...that's basically the only thing i would do if i didn't get paid...which i won't...so i guess that would be my dream "job"...just go on a permanent tour...all over the place...playin clubs just for free drinks...now that would be the life...especially if my "posse" came with me...even if it was just for the ride...yeah...dream the impossible dream...that don quixote had the right idea...

