

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-16 10:49 a.m.


it is sunday.

i should be going to church...but i'm not...i don't know why...it's not even laziness this time...i don't know...

at 3pm i'm supposed to go to travis's bell's concert...oh joy...but at least it is something to do...i find i'm saying that a lot..."somethin to do"...i could just plan on doing something i want to do...that would be great...but i don't...i just do "something to do"...

i got a bit of a poem of sorts here for your reading enjoyment...

"like one of hell's angels,

i hate what i've become.

and yet, if i had to do it again,

i wouldn't change what i've done.

i can't go back,

no matter how hard i try.

i've lost my wings,

nothing else to do but die."

yeah...i wrote this sitting under a tree waiting for my COM114 class to start...after i left CGT early...oh yeah...i'm a rebel...yeah...a rebel...

