

i am mine

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2001-09-13 6:48 p.m.

i've got a dungeonmaster's guide...

Fantasy worlds we live in (scenario 1)

We are all heroes in a d&d campaign.

I am a sorcerer�I stay back and watch�studying whatever I feel like�laughing when the others make a mistake or get hurt�but am there to help them out of their predicament�always with an aura of charm aboot the rescue (so I think)�

Ben's a kender barbarian�he is the pointman�setting off the traps so we don't get hurt...takin on big baddies so we don't have to�he just soaks up the damage and likes it�maybe not likes it�he just has fun with it�

Randy's a elven bard�singing slightly out of tune�scaring some away with his odd lyrics/quips�but we like it�he inspires us to do our best�

Tyler's our dwarven cleric�making wisecracks all the time�drinkin ale most of the time�he reminds us to stay the course�

Hilarity ensues.

"I am the master of all the land. Yahtzee!"==me, usually, �.i took it from sportscenter�when I used to watch it�

