

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-13 10:51 a.m.

hail hail the lucky ones

"everything has changed, absolutly nothing's changed"--"hail, hail" by pearl jam

every once in awhile, somebody (usually a female) will ask, "why do you like pearl jam so much?"...or something to that effect...the answer my friends is quite simple...they can express their emotions to other people and i cannot...their songs...all of them...not just the "popular" ones...all of them...they all say what i have wanted to say...at least at one point in my life...they are masterwork symbols of what i want to do...and will never get to...but that's ok (as a famous snl skit says)...so i will leave you with what i have come up with...it's no vedder, but hey...i never claimed it was...

"wandering around in my life solitude has become my wife can't seem to get a grip discord begins to slip lost without a cause lonliness rends with claws"

i know...not one of my best, but hey...i made it up during CGT class...i've got better...i'll show you...later.

