

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-12 2:21 p.m.

what is and what should never be

"as of now i think you got me wrong"--some alice in chains song

stupid me.

i should have never started a diary...at least not a public one...i'm not responsable enough...i don't harness my feelings in writing like i do in real life...i feel i can hide behind the words...and so i say things (or write things) that other people were not meant to hear...i use this as my outlet...outlets shouldn't be taken seriously...at least not this one...i've offended...i think...well...maybe negative attention is still attention...i at least got a response...and this is the kind of crap i was talking about...selfish...i don't care that i hurt somebody's feelings all i care about is that i was acknowledged...i hate spelling...just thought i'd throw that in there...oh yeah...back to what i was saying...i'm sorry i'm the way i am...no i'm not...yes i am...no i'm not...it would appear that i'm a living contradiction...for those of you who know me...i don't think i need to give examples...for those of you who don't now me...just think of a characteristic...that's both me and the opposite...i know it doesn't make sense...but it does.

