

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-11 8:49 p.m.

chop suey!

"when angels deserve to die"--system of a down

well...my life is still dull and boring...but according to abc...america is under attack...i wouldn't go that far, but we are being "terrorized"...4 planes were hijacked and crashed...the world trade center in new york is gone...i have family in new york...but i'm not worried.

and that's the problem, apparently.

i'm not worried. i have seen the worst thing people can do to each other (kill innocents)...and i'm not worried.

now don't get me wrong...i am sad that people died...but i'm not fired up like everybody i've been talking to...people talkin about revenge and payback...i'm not worried about that...people reap what they sow...somebody famous said that...i don't know who...

yup...i'm just a selfish little seashell (i made that up)...worried about my own problems...like my hellish computer programming class...and the fact that i don't have a significant other (not like i want one, or anything as stupid as that...)...and i realize i should be focused on other stuff...but i'm not...i'm too indifferent...about everything...well...not about everything...just the important stuff...yeah...just the "important" stuff.

