

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-06 8:06 p.m.


ok...where was i. oh yes. love stinks.

i shall explain my predicament in detail now...so for those of you who know, you can skip this...or read it for jollies.

it all started my junior year in high school. everything was going fine. i was chasing my other infatuation...but not to well...it was just something to do at that point...

and then it happened. this girl started to hang around me. and she was good looking. and she talked to me. and all was good.

and then another thing happened...she started talking about a relationship...and all was not good.

i had never been in a relationship before...and i didn't plan on being in one...and i told her this...not verbally but i think she got the point...but she still persisted...she had stick-to-it-ive-ness...and i like that...especially when it was directed toward me...so she kept at it until i finally relented and started acting as a quasi-boyfriend...but we were not "going out"...technically...

and so it went on...and then yet another thing happened.

she went to florida for spring break...while i stayed here and made a pretty cool/funny video with my friends...and so i wrote her e-mail only once...and she didn't respond...and i knew.

when she came back, she didn't even talk to me.

she then turned all her attention to a guy who had a funny looking head...sorry...but its true...she then explained to me in an e-mail...A BLOODY E-MAIL!...how she felt closer to this guy 'cause he wrote long e-mails all the time and always said that he loved the hell out of her...and i only wrote bare essentials...but that's me...and it's not like she didn't know i liked her...i did...i told her.

and so it went on.

i was angry at first...until one day...i was sad...and i knew...i think i had fallen...nope...don't wanna call it love.

so...there you go...that's how my first and only relationship ended.

terrible...i know.

