

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-03 1:38 a.m.

hearts and thoughts they fade...

love. "i hate the word...as i hate hell...all montegues...and thee" why? because i'm no good at it. i've tried. many a time. but it just doesn't work out for me. the first time really was a certain jennifer stalter. if you know tyler clark, you can go read his journal for description. now...i didn't really tell her, i didn't know how. so i just would go over there...on my bike...with my friends...and proceed to make fun of the poor girl. that's how i showed my affection. needless to say...it didn't work very well... during this time another girl started to like me. i know...hard to believe. at first i thought it was a joke. it wasn't. but before i could recover...she dumped me. for this band geek. (he wasn't that bad...but i am bitter). and even though i tried not to...i kinda sorta fell in love with this girl. it's not my fault i tell you....i did everything possible not to. but alas...i did... and so is my current state of lonliness. i'm in love with a girl that used to love me. and she knows it. which is the worst thing in the world.

