

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-03 1:21 a.m.

in the beginning

in the beginning...

i was born in illinois.

someplace...i'm not to clear on that part.

then i moved to california...i think.

then i moved to indiana...i know.

it was here that i really grew up.

actually, it was here that i grew older (i'm still immature).

i met some friends...

then moved to wisconson to live during the gulf war.

then i moved back.

then i was put into the "key" program.

that was just like moving.

then i moved to purdue.

so...now that you are all caught up on my history...

i can tell you something.

i don't like people.

but that's because of moving a lot.

at least thats what i blame it on...

but as robert plant sings..."nobody's fault but mine".

yeah...my introvertedness has made me a hermit.

i don't leave my dorm room except for classes and meals.

oh well.

i like it like that.

well...thats about it for an intro...remind me to update this.

