

i am mine

riot act

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2012-08-14 9:22 a.m.

the king is dead, long live the king

Sometimes I think we don't want to succeed. Not really. We never go all in. I've only gone all in on something once, and it nearly ended me. After that, I've always had backup plans. I've always had contingencies. I never really tried. It's depressing to think about how you faked trying so you could tell yourself you actually failed, but in reality you never even got that far.
But, I'm intact. I'm still alive.
Some sacrifices have to be made. For me, it was passion. Once upon a time I had raging flames inside. Now it's just smoldering coals. I'm sure it's like this for everyone growing older.
I was seeing ghosts the other day. That needs to stop.
Maybe I'll keep this up...

