

i am mine

riot act

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2008-08-04 5:16 p.m.

maiden voyage

like most girls, i don't believe her.

i'm just going to assume this is a joke, and will laugh along with the rest when the punchline comes. there is no good reason why she should hang out with me. but, as you might expect, i'm not going to stop her. quite the contrary, actually.

our first show out of town and with the trailer was a quasi-success. gas costs more than i thought it would. but i still think it is do-able. free food tastes better.

had to pick up my brother from the airport...we just went on like we normally do. we never miss a beat. i still kick myself and blame random people for my previous complaints. when we get the band back together again, for real this time, it's gonna be awesome. we may, in fact, take over the world.

i'm trying again.

