

i am mine

riot act

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2008-02-29 5:50 p.m.

work work work work work work work work

go to sleep, go to sleep
rest your head on my lap
close your eyes, close your eyes
i promise this isn't a trap

i won't wring your neck
i won't smash your skull
i won't claw your eyes
i won't hurt you at all
i won't crack your legs
i won't shoot out your knees
i won't slice open your gut
oh, honey please

i won't betray your trust
i won't stop this start
i won't slit your wrists
i won't break your heart
hey guitar player
play me a song
one that i know
so i can sing along

play me a pop tune, and do it soon
something i can dance to, something i can prance to
to dance away these blues
i got nothin else to lose

strum me a sing-a-long, and play it strong
don't play it wrong, just play the song
"it's just a job," he mumbles to me
stabbing his snare with soulless strokes
"no one listens," he says shaking his head
"sometimes i wish they were all dead"

"i kind of like it," the singer slyly said
hoarsely humming his hello
"people dance and prance and have a good time"
"it doesn't matter that they're out of their mind"

"i give it my all," the guitar player said
lightly playing legato licks
"people praise me for my poise"
"but i just like to make my noise"

the bassman was brazen, brash, and bold
he never did answer the question
the silence strips me naked
she sees me for what i am
i gallantly protest the obvious
that i am just a man

