

i am mine

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2007-12-05 11:12 p.m.

andy butler's 115th dream

i had a dream last night...

My first love was a girl
And her hair it was dark
After the school dance
We kissed in the park
Her skin it was smooth
And her lips were wet
But the color of her eyes
I always seem to forget
She tired of me
And my closed doors
I kept what was mine
And you yours
In my mind it was clear
That you�d always leave
So I let you down
So I didn�t grieve
But my pain it was there
Just as you hoped
And I cried at night
But in the day I joked
That I never loved you
And never I will
Just like you told me
When we sat on that hill
In the very same park
As our first kiss
You said the devil held me
And how I did wish
That very instant
That he�d strike you down
And I�d laugh at you
Like you were the clown
But bleeding there
Hard from your head
And I�d just smile
To know that you�re dead
And I know what you�re thinking
I�m so wicked and mean
But what about you?
Are your hands clean?
And so what if he helped me
The devil, my friend
If I couldn�t have you
I�d have my own end

