

i am mine

riot act

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2007-06-23 8:58 p.m.

3 days before

he came running at me. clearly panicked. he was a strong man. i could not guess his age. he jumped into my cab.

"brother, can you give me a ride? my mother's in the hospital."

so i drove him and his son to the parking lot. they thanked me, and i wished them well. i then went back to my 40 days in the desert.

and now i sit in my sister's living room. acoustic guitar by my side. i call it Chicago. after the first, i never use their real names. i remember reading in Grapes of Wrath that one of the okies said that a fingerpicked acoustic guitar was the best sound in the world. this is true. i'm working on fingerpicking.


and now i'm watching Hitch.

