

i am mine

riot act

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2007-06-14 9:16 p.m.

no answer

here is a sketch dump:

we old hundred names
we have been left behind
betrayed by the change
betrayed by the times

now the peasants are angry
with nothing much to say
there's collapse in the country
but we'll build it up one day

how do you describe the cracks
when you're looking over your shoulder
there's a red man with a party hat
he's young but looks much older

they were warm and trusting
as long as they got some bread
but if they get hungry
you better watch your head

write down your children, so you don't forget their names
write down your woman, so you remember why you came

let's go to spokane, seattle's too tough
i've been there in a dream, and boy if it ain't rough

speak up your mind so you don't go insane
speak up your heart instead of your poor brain

fly right by God so your white wings are reserved
fly right by me and you'll get just what you deserved


i think my biggest problem is consistancy.
with everything.
i'm inconsistant.
i called all my girls.
well...all that i can call.
there's give and take.
i had some crazy ideas.
that's all i ever seem to have.
i work 11 hours now.
a day.
that's about half of what i used to work in a week.
we'll see what happens.
i'm all for giving up.
then again, i always am.
i'm thirsty.
thirsty for some love.
thirsty for some sex.
there's a lot of meaning in a name.
i'm lucky to have mine.
i found out rogaine doesn't work for my type of baldness.
at least that's what it says on the package.
looks like a shaved head is my only option.
oh well.
the new smashing pumpkins is good.
speaking of bald dudes.
i have a feeling jack white is going to upstage me again.
get behind me satan was released soon after my INDIANA EP was done...icky thump is poised to trump The Roman.
i love jack white.
it sounds much less creepy when spoken and not written.
or typed.
i'm rambling now.
she used to like it when i rambled.
at least that's what she said.
now she's probably saying things like, "go to sleep, honey...there's no monsters under your bed."
but what about in your head, mom?
there always seems to be ghosts up there.
at least for me.

