

i am mine

riot act

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2007-01-24 12:01 p.m.

ignorance never settles a question

when i was young, i went to basketball camp...it was run by the high school coach...i think it was a week long thing, and at the end they gave out awards..."all star" plaques were given...i received one, but i didn't make the middle school team...it was because i'd never take a shot...i'd always pass it to someone else...that's the way i am...unless pressured to shoot, i pass...i'm trying to force myself to shoot now...

i keep watching the part in the Dylan story where they say he was completely average...nothing special...because that's me now...

these modern times are killing me
the world's spinning is about to stop
the evergreens will lose their leaves
the ground itself will start to rot

i'm unplugged on main street
looking for a bite to eat
thinking of people i'd like to meet
dreaming about where i'd like to sleep

revelations about velvet blues
i can play guitar but not like you
the red menace will always win
as long as you drink their gin

