

i am mine

riot act

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2006-11-17 2:09 a.m.

what. the. fuck.

just when i accept that i'm just dreaming...she goes and messages me...the first time in about a year...no prompt...no stupid away message on my part...she tells me she dreamt about me and that i killed neil young in her dream...

...just when i think i'm out.

i think i really was ready to give up...for reals...but now she had to go and do that...man...you know what this does to me? this fucks with my head. she has to know that.

i'm really thinking about joining the army. i read the news...and i'm like, "fuck...i need to help somehow." the stupid degree i got would actually go a long way over there to fixing things...or starting to anyway...

i'm supposed to start recording my album, The Roman, in a few weeks. i'm pumped. i am so ready to do this right.

23 feels both old and young. it's weird.

...seriously...why would she tell me that?

