

i am mine

riot act

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2006-06-24 11:18 p.m.

the preacher, the saint, and the whore

i had the best time of my life.

i'm back where i was. i read some stuff. i don't like preachers who preach against people who think they know, but then think they know. i prefer the hypocrisy of follow my words and not my actions...at least that's some truth, even if it's lies.

after explaining the plan, i had to laugh at how dumb it is. but i'll still give it a go...but probably up to a point. then i'll knock over my king, just like always.

i'm in an odd state of affairs. different than the others'. there are no prospects...there are no choices. there is a void. with my baldness and beard, i could easily turn into a monk.

i'll do it.
if only to tempt the fates.

