

i am mine

riot act

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2006-06-06 12:25 a.m.

gardner's grove

honor is irrelevant in today's society. my anthropology class exposed me to this notion in the senior year of my college exerience. it is both sad and true. you can see it in all aspects of life, from work to play, from relationships to science.

the problem is hinged on the lack of personal responsibility. for anything. no one wants to be, as Pres. Bush so elegantly put it, "the decider." it is easier to do what someone suggests or demands than think for yourself. it is also easy to poke holes in ideas presented to the community, and not offer alternative solutions. my favorite example being the argument over where to eat for dinner:
"where do you wanna go?"
"i dunno"
"how about _____"
this lack of responsibility translates into a lack of pride. if we are not the ones responsible, we can take no credit. if all of our success and failure is out of our control, we realize we are powerless. there is no pride in impotence. without pride, or self-respect, there is no honor. there is nothing to uphold in the face of desires. we let our passions control our action, because if there is no honor preventing us from just doing what feels good, then we do it.

but i'm not telling us what we don't already know. we feel it when we're sitting in our rooms, alone (or feeling like it), staring into the light. wishing and hoping there is something more.

