

i am mine

riot act

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2006-05-02 1:50 a.m.


i read an interview with pete townshend about why he smashed his guitar...he responded that he destroyed the instrument because he would be trying to play a song, and the part he played wouldn't be right...he was always battling the guitar, and sometimes it would win...so that's how he got back at it. i did the same thing at the pudding party where i fucked up my own songs and lost the audience. so i kinda went nuts. felt good. i really didn't care at that point in time.

the band has a gig at a real venue. i don't know...looks like we're starting to gear it up "for realz." there was even mention of a label dude and a tour.

do i ever think i'll find a woman who loves me? not anymore.

i hear my train a'comin'.

