

i am mine

riot act

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2006-04-22 11:12 p.m.

i may not know how to treat or give you what you need

first show was better than i could have dreamed. we were the 'headliners'...at our first show. it was NOT in a basement or house, but a real building. we played in the dark. while people watched Full Metal Jacket. our songs were applauded. you could hear what people were doing in the song. in a poetic turn of events, i had to come straight from work, thus, i wore my work-vest. with name-tag.

and today i saw her away message.
thus, my plan continues.
i wonder if anyone has actually figured it out.

EDIT: that is the wrong question. the question is, does anyone care what the plan is...not if they figured it out. that answer should be obvious to the student, so the professor will move on to other subject matter.

