

i am mine

riot act

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2005-08-16 12:34 p.m.

Lost Cause

i have no ambition, but to hang out with my friends...and maybe record a great rock n roll record. i do not mind living like a poor man. i have enough in the bank that i wouldn't have to work for most of my time here. but that would be cutting it a bit too close when it was time to leave. and i need something to keep me occupied besides my own thoughts.

i still email her, but my eyes drift. i have proven myself a rogue this time. laws and oaths mean shit to me. and i don't care. i now know what it means when it is said that no man is an island. the craving for human contact trumps everything.

i went to a depression webpage and checked 7 of 9 symptoms. i may have said this before. but i still wear my lucky charms. i'll just power through, and do a pro-hop. i missed playing basketball this summer...but that's my own fault.

i'm really getting into Bob Dylan...i'm starting to get a taste for even older artists. i watched a documentary on Hank Williams the other day. i'm slowly tracing my way back. i'll tell you when i get there.

