

i am mine

riot act

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2005-07-13 11:22 a.m.

i'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song

she was beautiful in my dreams.
and in the pictures.
damn you, Lum.
we still chat like we're friends.
we never were.
funny how things turn out.
my parents think i need to start building my credit, obviously they don't understand my intentions.
my foot fucking hurts.
fucking nurse practitioners.
i only deal with music...everything else is foreign.
you become what you consistently do.
i'm becoming a bum.
this house, and this city...i need to leave them.
i'm recording that country EP i mentioned in my earlier posts.
i think it's actually sounding pretty decent...even with my vocals.
i could only NOT laugh at "emma's apples" for one take.
i'm a bad man.
i'll send that song to my scout buddy whom she also broke.
he'll get a kick out of it.
and then realize his mistake.
i'm a mean person.
i have the premonition that the life i'm choosing is a big mistake.
i just sit on my couch and watch tv.
i need that picture so i can tape it onto the back of my red Tele...so i can look at it for inspirado.
i also recorded my funeral song...when SamtheWiz added echo on my voice on the verses...that almost got to me.
i need one of those harmonica holders.
gas is expensive.
i'm going to a party saturday.
i may or may not get drunk and start crying.

