

i am mine

riot act

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2005-06-09 11:21 p.m.

get behind me satan

first, this album is amazing.
second, i like to chalk it up to being blinded by sex...i read 1984 during my stay in Las Vegas. it is a great book, for those of you who don't know. and, of course, i imagined myself to be the modern day equivalent of the main character. some of the things she says make me question her intelligence...yes...definitly the main character...i would feed her to the rats.

at least that's what i tell myself.

i've thought of trying again. more than once. but, really, what good what it do for either of us? she makes me miserable when she's happy, and vice versa. i like to think she still reads this and smiles to herself, and feels appropriatly elated that she got out when she did.

that said, i'd still try again.

going back to my first point, i tried to write some quality lyrics in the city of sin, only to come home and found them written infinitly better in the new white stripes album. i swear, i love that man. i also finished Bob Dylan's book on "vacation." i've learned that i'm like them...if i can let myself go.

that will be the hard part.

