

i am mine

riot act

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2004-12-07 7:16 p.m.

friendly fire

i saw them at dinner tonight. i didn't think i'd take it so badly. i mean, i knew this was going on. my old buddy...the love of my life...good times...good times. i can tell you this...there is no honor among thieves, let alone former boy scouts. i can't even concentrate enough to write down my homework problem, let alone do it. the thing that bothers me most is that it makes perfect sense. i'm glad i didn't think about doing anything until i had already walked away.

there are only two things i care about in the totality of the universe: love and music. i'm hoping that since i have been crushed into nothingness by the first, that will gaurantee success at the second. i have to believe that. if i didn't, i would kill myself. so for those few who still care enough to think i'm a pessimistic person, just know that when you see me alive, that means i'm as optimistic as hell.(<--one of the best analogies ever)

right now i think i'd do about anything for anyone. if some homeless man off the street asked if he could stay with me, i'd say 'yes' with no hesitation. if a friend asked me to drive them to long island, i'd say 'when do we leave?'

all you have to do is ask.
i'll do anything you want.

