

i am mine

riot act

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2004-12-02 12:47 p.m.

purdue university residences dining services

just so everyone knows...i don't write things in here anymore. i have a notebook...less chance of someone reading the truth and getting pissed off at me.

i think it's a win-win....plus i get to practice my cursive.

i have purchased DONKEY KONGA (or maybe tricked), and it is fun. i am also stealing GTA: SAN ANDREAS. plus i got to play the open beta for WORLD OF WARCRAFT. this significant increase in gaming has made me happy. it reminds me of the old days, when i'd just come home from school, wait until 4.59pm, and then start playing games until i had to go to sleep. i even remember getting in trouble, because i skipped dinner to watch the ending of FINAL FANTASY VII. good times....good times.

i have many bad habits. i will not share them with you. i will attempt to hide them forever. i will fail.

i woke up today to the sounds of someone throwing up. violently, i might add. that was kind of weird. oh, and if you were wondering, no, it wasn't me. i live right accross the hall from the bathroom, aka echochamber.

i am trying to write a song, under the direction of a friend, that does not involve women. it is hard. i don't think i'll ever do it.

ok...i'm done for now.

