

i am mine

riot act

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2004-11-15 6:43 a.m.


it's good to be alone.

i've seen she's been asking about me...that's nice...i just wish she would have wished me a happy birthday. she thinks that maybe i've moved on. no...just didn't want to hear about it anymore. it's hard to keep what sanity you have left when she tells you what she does...and then you look at what you've not done...so i just crawled back into my shell.

this hermit crab is content to sit and wait until never comes along.

in other news, i saw the PIXIES in chicago this past saturday with my bro, ty. it was good times. i hailed 2 cabs while my friends were hustled out of their money. mad props to 'shoe love'...he had game. also had some asian dumpling meat ball things called BAO. it was good stuff.

see...i can be a wanderer, too.

driving takes a lot out of me. i went to sleep last night at 9, woke up at 5 and did my homework. but now all that is done and i can go back to slacking off.

i'm really looking forward to doing nothing for a year after this schooling junk is done. i'm saving up some good riffs to work on with the motley crew i can put together in Bloomington.

ok...time to die. (or get on with the day...either way.)

