

i am mine

riot act

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2004-10-30 12:34 a.m.

1st paying gig

i get there and my friend is gone. i shoot the shit with the other people i don't know while i wait. my friend gets there as fat elvis, little red riding hood in tow. his apartment is having a halloween party, costumes 'required'. he has roped me into playing a short set with the promise of 20 bucks (gas money to my next destination). but just his apartment isn't having a party, the whole house he is renting is. this means, aside from my boy's invites, there are a girl's. this, coupled with a keg next to my position, caused for what we like to call a 'rough gig.' i wasn't nervous like last time...which was a plus. as soon as i start the opening chords of Rockin' in the Free World, the people who were from the downstairs invite list immediately head back downstairs. my host leaves to go get more beer. i am alone, playing classic rock and my originals to a handful of his friends. the ones who stay seem to enjoy themselves. i make it through about 4 songs, and then during the 5th, the new beer keg is put quasi-close to me. this creates a vaccuum that quickly fills with drunk frat boys, who find it necessary to start to comment on what they want me to play for them. "Stairway!" i respond by playing the opening, just to show them i can, and try to start my last song. i have skipped 4 songs in order to get outta there quickly. this including a duet with Fat Elvis, who had taken off his costume and never learned the words. i start the last song and there is still one unsatisfied boy who starts to clamour for a Foo Fighters cover...i respond with, "O.K. i'll play a good Foo Fighters song...." and go straight into Smells Like Teen Spirit. this, of course, piques the crowds interest and i quickly stop the song. i finally go into Hey Hey, My My. i sing with confidence and disregard for the people in line for beer...i only wish my amp were a bit louder.

so here is the lowdown:

grinding with 2 hot asian chicks for about 20 sec.
drinking water to stay hydrated in the hotness of upstairs.
generally laughing at peeps.

-BETTER MAN/(my band by D12)

put things away.
tried to turn down payment.
got the hell out of there.

