

i am mine

riot act

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2004-10-02 5:46 p.m.

boiler up?! what the FUCK does that mean?

people piss me off. you know this. here is just another example: college football. not so much college football as the fans. they are retarded. blind devotion to the school's team where they attend college. i never understood this...why is there automatic fanatical craziness? i hear things like, "you gotta be proud" or "support where you go". i would say that these are reasonable arguements, if not for the fact that these very same people say "fuck (insert school)" and repeatedly complain about the very entity they go nuts over on saturday. i would also understand the devotion if you knew someone on the team or you yourself played. this makes sense. but when you have absolutely nothing to do with the game, besides making some unnecessary noise (and yes, it is unnecessary), there is no way it makes sense to refer to the sports team as "we" or "us"...it's just retarded. yeah, i know you do this, and you are probably thinking, does he think i'm retarded?...yes, i do. it's just yet another illustration of people being herd animals. unthinking beasts of burden. instead of thinking, picking, and choosing, they just follow whatever the crowd does. oh, everyone here likes the football team? hell, i'll support them too...WOOOOOOOOO! now mind you, i'm not referring to people who actually know something about the sport they are watching, because i understand that they take most of their pleasure from watching the game, the people i'm referring to know absolutely nothing about anything except school colors, songs, and chants. and so i usually root for the other team...the one playing against Purdue...just to piss some fuckers off. "how can you be against your own team???" they say. IT'S NOT MY TEAM! that is the whole point...i don't give a shit whether they win or lose. them being the best or having a good season has absolutely no effect on my life. i would catagorize that as what, in the business, we call a waste of time

contrary to popular belief, i DO root for my team. my team just happens to be my friends and myself. so fuck your school spirit and insignificance. i'll stick to caring about what matters.

like i said before...this is just another example of how we, as human beings, are just fucking bastards and bitches. that is my major 'beef'. just take a look around one time while your eating...look at all the people who just suck at being good, and don't even care...because they are still winning at life.

i hope i'm wrong, somehow mixed up...but we all could be so much better.

