

i am mine

riot act

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2004-09-23 10:08 p.m.

introduction to environmental engineering and science

i spend much too much time thinking about things. if i would devote even one quarter of the time i spend thinking about nothing, i would be a 4.0 student. as it is now, i can barely bring myself to skim a book to 'study' for an exam. i just sit and think. i know i can't change anything by doing it, but i still do.
my emotions are just tiny explosions. they come and they go. i don't even know what i'm doing anymore...and i don't think anyone else does either.
i got myself a Bob Dylan ticket for nov. 3, my birthday. i hope all goes well.
i've been listening to a lot of The Rolling Stones lately. also a lot of The White Stripes. a lot of blues stuff. i think i can almost play the blues convincingly now.
sometimes i do a websearch for stupid things...like "how to fix a broken heart"...i never find anything useful.
i started talking to her again...she probably didn't even know i stopped.
i really wish i could be an asshole. they seem to get all the chicks...and keep them, too.
i hate this vessel that holds my soul. it is not fit for me.
i still see her instead of everyone else...i'm waiting for that to stop.
i wish i could sleep how i used to.

