

i am mine

riot act

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2004-04-01 9:28 a.m.

what a way to go out...out like a sucka.

you know...i don't mind people reading this shit, but when they talk to me about it and then try to offer advice it pisses me off. this is supposed to be a secret glimpse of my inner thoughts. you are supposed to read it, and be thankful i don't share it with you. i don't want or need your fucking advice on how to feel or how to fix my problems. i can deal fine...i can still function in society...just because i write in here that i'm being ripped apart by love doesn't mean i suddenly need your support or ideas on how to be happy. i tried to make this clear from the beginning, but some people just can't help themselves i guess. now i'm not talking about the random questions like, "who was so and so?"...i'm talkin about shit like, "dude...you need to stop being mopey and be happy...your last entry was all sad and shit." do you think i'm retarded and don't realize what i have to do? or how to act? i am very good at covering up my real feelings and putting on a happy face. this d-land was just supposed to chronicle what was i was actually feeling at the time. and for all those people who said, "be happy"...i am happy...i am also quite sad...i'm also angry...ah...fuck it. i'll probably end up locking this soon...so...read it while you can, and please please please don't offer me any advice/comments on what you read in here.

